
Week 36

Well its coming down to the last 4 weeks. Crazy! Chris and I had a doctors appointment today and everything is still going fine, so there's not much to report. I have gained 31 pounds so far with this pregnancy. Not bad! I'm measuring normally and the doctor doesn't think the baby will be that big (or should say as big as I thought he might be). We talked to Dr. Kearns about the baby's arrival as we know that our parents will be traveling for the birth. Unfortunately we don't have any definite plans on inducing or anything at this point. We would like to avoid inducing unless medically necessary so that will be discussed on our weekly visits depending on how things are progressing. I have another ultrasound scheduled on Blakes due date: July 25th (In the event he hasn't arrived yet. Let's hope he has!) to check his size again and to see how much fluid I have.

What else... hmm... I don't really think there is much more to report. We are on weekly visits to our doctor now... So we will have another update next week. :)

Hope this finds everyone well.



Week 35

We are at week 35 and just had our last ultrasound on Friday. Here is a picture of Blake. Enjoy!