
Nine Month Check-Up

Blake had his nine month check up this afternoon. Everything looked really good. We still have a big boy on our hands. Blake weighs 21 pounds 13 ounces (75th percentile), is 30 inches long (97th percentile) and has a head circumference of 18 cm (70th percentile). No shots this time which was such a dream. However, the little guy wasn't home free. We were surprised with an anemia test which caused us to go to the lab right after our appointment for a blood draw. Yuck! Blake did great though, no tears. I think it was harder for me to watch than it was for him to endure. Good-bye for now Dr. Ahmann...see you at 1 year!

Happy Mother's Day!

It was my first official Mother's Day this year and it couldn't have been any better. Chris did a fantastic job of making my day very special. Chris made me breakfast and had a card for me from Blake. He even had Blake put a little scribble on it. So cute! Chris and Blake also got me a Flip Mino video camera that I love! Its so cute and tiny. I'm excited to start using it and will be posting more videos on here as soon as I get the hang of it. We spent the day working in the backyard. Chris helped me plant my garden and then made me a delicious dinner. I could get used to this Mother's Day thing. I think it might be one of my favorite days of the year.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms in our lives. I hope someone made your day as special as mine was!


Goodbye Infant...hello Toddler

Blake is 9 months old now and has been learning many new things...

He stands by himself

Eats finger foods

Drinks out of a sippy cup

He also has learned what "no" means, even though he doesn't listen most of the time and can wave bye bye. In addition to these great new things he can...

Make quite the mess when he eats by hitting the spoon out of your hand

and he gets into EVERYTHING!

Blake is a ton of fun, even when he is making messes and making us chase after him. I can't believe in three short months he will be 1 year old! CRAZY!

So long April, I wonder what exciting things May will bring. Enjoy the additional pics below from this past month.
April 2009