
Baby Zanger #2 on the way

Thats right...#2 is on the way. Due December 27th! Christmas baby for the Zangers. Wish us luck.

I have been feeling great. A little tired but no morning sickness. I'm a lucky girl. However, I will probably be blessed again with carpal tunnel and gestational diabetes so I think i deserve to have a good first trimester.

We had our 12 week ultrasound yesterday. Here is a profile picture of the baby. Looks very similar to Blakes 12 week ultrasound pic that is in his room.

We will find out the sex of the baby in a month or so. Any thoughts on what you think we might have?

Stay tuned...

Camping and stuff...

Ok, so i know i'm a bit late with my May post. I mean in a couple of weeks I will be posting June. Time is flying by. Lots of exciting stuff going on.

May was a great month the weather finally is getting warmer and we went for our annual Memorial Day weekend camp trip. Always a good time!

Blake is becoming more of a two year old everyday. He is learning to test his boundries, which just thrills me. He is a great kid though. We are lucky. He is saying new words right and left. "Shit" is still at the top of his vocabulary no matter how hard we try to change that. ha! What can you do...He also likes to say "big trucks" and "heavy" when he is lifting something up. Both of these words are said in a very deep voice. He's a funny kid and we are enjoying every minute of watching him grow up.

Here are our pics from May. Enjoy!