
November & Baby Update!

Well if December flies by as fast as November we should have a baby here in what will feel like tomorrow.

We had a nice visit with Chris' Grandma Ruth last week. We were able to join her for dinner and Blake had a lot of fun playing on her mechanical hospital bed. she let him push lots of buttons and he was having a blast.

Since I'm so close to my due date we weren't able to travel for Thanksgiving so we stuck around home. We had a really great time with Aimee and her family in Gilroy, which is like my second family. Blake had an absolute blast playing with all of the kids and we had an instant babysitter with Aimee's sisters girls who are 14 and 10. Who could ask for more! Made for a relaxing Thanksgiving. The only downfall was with all the spare time I had I think i ate enough for 3 grown men that day. I was shocked when the doctor told me this morning i had only gained 3 pounds from last week. I was convinced it was going to be 10. ha!

The day after thanksgiving we went to Christmas in the Park in downtown San Jose with our playgroup friends and decorated our community tree. We had a lot of fun hanging out with friends and contributing to the beautiful display of christmas trees for the community to enjoy.

and last but not least... a BABY UPDATE!

So I'm 36 weeks as of Sunday. We had our weekly doctors appointment this morning. This baby is a stubborn one and is sitting in frank breech position (butt first). We went ahead and scheduled a c-section for December 21st but we are secretly hoping either baby turns around or just decides to bless us with his presence early that way we can be home and settled before Christmas. Cross your fingers for us! Either way though we are so excited to meet our second baby boy!

Here are my 34/35 week belly shots

35 weeks with baby #2

34 weeks with Blake


Halloween Time!

October seemed to be filled with lots of halloween related activities. Blake got to visit the pumpkin patch with his playgroup friends, grandma einck and mommy and daddy. Lucky kid! We also had an adventure at Happy Hollow and a Halloween party with our playgroup friends. Always a good time!

Blake spent a week at his grandma and papa eincks mid month. He had a great time and mommy got a much needed break to get some things done around here. B keeps talking about his visit. He is now addicted to the book puff the magic dragon (which my mom read and sang to him everyday) and wants me to read it before bed every night as well as at any point he wakes up during the middle of the night. I think i'm a little puffed out...but he loves it so I will continue doing it. Blake also immediately announces "papa's tractor" to anyone who might step foot into our house. I think we might have a country boy on our hands.

We ended the month with Halloween of course! Blake was a super hero and he did some trick-or-treating with our friends and neighbors. It was tons of fun and he loved getting all the candy. Lucky for us he was only interested in the lollipops - so the rest mommy and daddy can eat.

Hope everyone enjoyed October as much as we did. Only about 8 more weeks until the new baby arrives. Will have another belly shot and update coming this months sometime.
