
Baby News....

So I was horrible at taking pictures in August and have almost nothing to share so I thought I would give you all a baby update. We had our 20 week ultrasound about a month ago (I guess this update is coming kind of late). Everything looked great. Baby was doing well, moving around a ton and his little heart beat was as strong as can be. What more can you ask for. We of course found out the gender and are so excited to have another boy! The baby was laying breech - which later in pregnancy won't be such a great thing but for now its not too worrisome since the baby moves around quite a bit. I go in next week to get my gestational diabetes test done - chances are I will have it again, but I'm sure hoping not.

Ultrasound pic and belly shots! Enjoy!

20 week ultrasound picture of baby's face

Belly shots!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Thank You for the update. See you soon! I hope you have a 2 year picture of Blake for me.