
Baby Boy #2 Update

Everything is going well with baby #2. 31 weeks as of yesterday. We are going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. I'm measuring normally - but i was measuring normally with Blake and look how huge he was! I did find out recently that I don't have gestational diabetes with this pregnancy which was fantastic news. We are really hoping for a smaller baby this time around - but we will roll with whatever comes our way. I have to say that as smooth as everything is going this pregnancy is slightly different than the last. I definitely have heartburn much more and I am more uncomfortable now that i have entered my 30 weeks. And I'm a lot more tired I feel like. Maybe that is because I'm also chasing around a 2 year old. This baby moves very similar to how Blake moved around - Very slow movements, not a lot of sharp movements which i'm thankful for. For a little fun I put together a couple of belly shot sequences. One of when i was pregnant with Blake and the other is this pregnancy. I'm feeling like I look bigger in this late stage than I did with Blake. Hopefully that just means that I have gained more weight and that this baby isn't bigger. Please cross your fingers for me. ;)


Melinda said...

Thanks for pictures and updates. I love them.

Colby said...

you are so cute! you are even wearing the same thing (almost) in your pics. and, you are probably bigger this time around since your belly has already been "stretched" from Blake! Makes growing for #2 a little easier! Love the pics.