
Week 38

Its week 38 and we are pretty anxious for our little guy to arrive. Of course hoping its sooner than later. I had an appointment with the dietician on Thursday and my gestational diabetes is under control, if my numbers continue they way they are we shouldn't have any problems with the baby having low blood sugar when he is born. Phew! Our 38 week doctor appointment was yesterday and everything is looking fine. I'm still measuring normally and we decided to hold off on any pelvic exam until next week. There is no rush to induce as Chris and I have let our doctor know that we we are not interested in induction unless it's medically necessary. Dr. Kearns is on the same page as we are with that so that is nice. As much as i'm "over" being pregnant...it's not that bad and i can still sleep and get around. Chris has been concerned with my swollen feet, and as much as i reassurred him that it was normal and that it wasn't a sign of preclampsia (my blood pressure has been fine all the way through and the swelling has come on gradually for the past few months) - we did talk to our doctor about it and she confirmed that it was just edema. :) We are going in for a NST (non stress test) to monitor the baby on Monday to see how he is doing and then i have another pre-natal appointment on Friday. So of course we will keep you all upated...

We took some belly pics in the past week - It's defintely BIG! I swear i get asked daily if i'm having twins. It's very interesting the things that complete strangers will say to you when you are pregnant. funny!


Carrie Zanger said...

Glad to hear everything is going well, and also to hear that you are able to get some sleep Rachel! Thinking of you both...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Rachel!!!! Your belly is huge! You look so cute...I love it. You look really great and so happy :) I am so excited for you two...thinking about you often.